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Thinking of buying the latest laptop brand of Acer, Dell, Lenovo, Apple, MSI or HP laptops in Nepal with superior after sales service? Logix Digital Systems is a multi-brand one stop IT solution for Laptop, Desktop, Printer, and Accessories. You can select from a wide range of brands with your choice of configuration. Grab the best deals for the latest laptops in at LDS.

LDS is focused to provide the latest laptop price in Nepal with an amazing price. Our motive is not just to sell the laptop rather we focus on creating a long-term relationship by selling genuine laptops and products. We know selling laptop is not a one-time business and consumer needs more assistant in the future rather than now. So, after sale service is also one of our primary focus. Why after sales is important? Laptop composes of an electronic and mechanical component, it might break down accidentally in the future for that purpose we need good after-sales services. The consumer should be always aware of while buying a laptop. Since it is an expensive gadget and we usually don’t buy it frequently so being careful initially while buying will save us lots of our hard earned money. We can assure you that in LDS you will find the best laptop price in Kathmandu.

We have a variety of laptops like the best budget laptop to high-end laptop i.e. General purpose laptop, business laptop, gaming laptop, touch screen laptop, 2 in one laptop and many more. We give out every detail so you can get full information before buying. We focus on creating an exceptional buying experience for our customer.

You can follow this simple Laptop buying guide: Purpose, Price Range, Brand, Features, Services *Note- This above list can be on any order as per your preferences and work out according to that. Remember this is not a hard and fast rule.

Purpose – Decide for what purpose do you need your laptop for? i.e. gaming, regular use, business, entertainment, etc. When you are sure on this then your selection of laptop will be more accurate.

Price Range – This can be most as well as the least important factor to some. In today's world, we can find a laptop for every price range. So, when you are sure of your budget then it will be more easy to sort out your future laptop.

Brand – If you are brand freak then this will be your top priority factor and LDS offers you a variety of brands to select your laptop from. This is purely subjective so work accordingly.

Features– Decide what will be the primary features you want in your laptop. Features that you can or can’t compromise will help you to narrow down your list. E.g. Some people might prefer a touch screen and some don’t. This way you can sort it out your choices of laptop.

Services – This is one of the main factors you should consider while buying a laptop. After sales service is important and LDS don't compromise on this. In future any problem you face, we got experienced technicians fully ready to help you whenever you need.

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